One of the most liberating things you can do to follow your passion for trees is to give yourself the credit that you could understand the science and start reading books like The Man who Planted Trees by Jim Robbins, or Peter Wolleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees then follow the research they’ve done.
Check out Suzan Simmard’s lectures on TedX Talks to hear first hand her experiences discovering the network of resource sharing and mother trees of the forests.
Explore the amazing scientific discoveries of young researchers into the wood wide web of fungi fun like Merlin Sheldrake.
There has never been a better time to train in the deep bioengineering that trees provide because so much of the science is in its infancy. There is so much to discover and there are some amazing courses at universities across the country and inspiring projects to visit across the world.
Alongside this is the UK’s Forest Education Network which is spread throughout the country with committed individuals holding the space for young and old to get to know their local woodlands and grow up loving playing in them. The Learning Outside the Classroom Council website is a fount of information and the RFS and Sylva Foundation provide access to accredited forestry courses and practical ideas for teacher to use in the classroom.
The Tree Conference’s 2018 event will focus on Tree Education, again looking to support and profile what is already happening, but also to push the envelope to embrace recent scientific discoveries to support the teaching of nature in secondary schools by highlighting inspiring science that tips towards understanding the consciousness in all things.
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