Tree Qigong
Candida Corcoran is an artist, shamanic practitioner and qigong teacher and has been teaching qigong in the park in Frome since she moved there two years ago. ‘Qi’ is life energy and ‘Gong’ means cultivation. Like trees […]
Candida Corcoran is an artist, shamanic practitioner and qigong teacher and has been teaching qigong in the park in Frome since she moved there two years ago. ‘Qi’ is life energy and ‘Gong’ means cultivation. Like trees […]
Plans for Frome’s new orchard are underway with the first draft being revealed by the Mayor at the Children’s Festival. The orchard was chosen by the town in the People’s Budget vote earlier this year […]
7th November, 9.30 – 4.00pm at Compton Dundon Village Hall Re-imagining the Levels will host an informative, interactive and ambitious day looking at how we can take practical community led steps to increase Somerset’s tree […]
On Saturday 20th between 2 and 5pm at the Bennett Centre in Frome one of this year’s keynote speakers, Mary Reynolds Thompson, will be holding a creating writing workshop titled: Reclaiming the Wild Soul: Writing […]
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