There are many excellent projects supporting information about trees in schools, in woods and in careers advice.

There are many excellent projects supporting information about trees in schools, in woods and in careers advice.
Twinning Forests with Mount Kenya Mount Kenya is the source for freshwater for more than seven million people, it houses many ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, drylands, rivers and wetlands, and is home to unique […]
Half of the forests that originally covered 48 percent of the Earth’s land surface are gone. Only one-fifth of the Earth’s original forests remain pristine and undisturbed. In North America, more than half of the […]
Whatever you want to plant, whether it’s one tree in your garden or a whole wood, we can help. Every sapling that we provide is UK sourced and grown to minimise the risk of importing […]
Fruit-full Communities aims to address some of society’s toughest challenges. Working with young people living in YMCA Housing Schemes, Supported Lodgings and/or attending YMCA Youth Groups, Fruit-full Communities aims to tackle a lack of social cohesion, […]
RFS Education and Learning Resources The RFS delivers a wide-ranging education and learning programme. We make many of our resources available to assist others who want to improve their knowledge and understanding of trees, woodlands […]
SCHOOLS AND GROUPS Teach and learn about the importance of responsible forestry We are keen to support schools and groups in promoting the importance of the world’s forests and the role of FSC. In this […]
The latest National Statistics on forestry produced by the Forestry Commission were released on 27 September 2018 according to the arrangements approved by the UK Statistics Authority. Detailed statistics are published in the web […]
Forests for the Future is designed for upper Primary learners 10 –12 years, in England and Scotland, to explore the local and global issues surrounding climate change and sustainable development. There is a focus on the […]
What are we going to do? Our aim is to protect the UK’s trees, woods and forests from new pests and diseases – either arriving or spreading across the country. The earlier these are spotted, […]
Field Studies Council, FSC, is an environmental education charity providing informative and enjoyable opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to discover, explore, and understand the environment. FSC is an independent charity receiving no […]
OneOak is an education project of the Sylva Foundation. We are bringing people closer to growing trees for wood, by following the full life story of one oak tree. We aim to increase understanding of sustainable […]
myForest for Education is an easy-to-use and free online application that enables any educator, or young person, to generate straightforward woodland management plans, maps and ecological impact assessments for woodland sites and school grounds. myForest for […]
Forest Schools for All is a bold new education project for Sylva Foundation, in partnership with the Forest School Association, and The Ernest Cook Trust, which is also the main funder of the project. The […]
OUR VISION: We envision a fully-functional, peaceful, abundant, biologically diverse Earth brought about through cooperative efforts for the ecological restoration of degraded lands. OUR MISSION: To work together to restore ecological functionality, to build Research, […]
Andover Trees United: Where every child grows up planting trees Wendy’s slot at the conference the 2018 Tree Conference was in as part of Mary Reynold Thomspon’s talk about the use of creative writing in supporting people to explore their […]
CHASE Africa started life in 2000 as the Rift Valley Tree Trust with the aim of planting trees in the Mao forest of Kenya. Robin Witt, the founder, had spent a lot of time in […]
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