The Groves
Jenny Smith facilitates the global network of Groves Tenders within the https://www.treesisters.org/treesisters-groves
Tenders hold regional Groves that empower women in their personal journey and alongside
working together in their outer work on behalf of trees and nature.
At its best, sisterhood nurtures us to step into leadership so we can take action about the
things that really matter. Nature is calling for us to listen to Her deeply and with an open
heart, so we activate our passion for protecting and preserving Life. Together, arm in arm,
we can become a force of Nature on behalf of Nature
The Groves are women’s circles where you can relax into wholeness and feel how your gifts want to be expressed in the world. They are circles where we can take responsibility for the care of ourselves and the Earth in community.
As women we are most powerful when we join hands with each other. Finding our place, discovering that we belong, and leaning into sisterhood with like-minded women who share our values and dreams allows us to discover and express our most authentic selves. In togetherness we can do anything.
At its best, sisterhood nurtures us to step into leadership so we can take action about the things that really matter. Nature is calling for us to listen to Her deeply and with an open heart, so we activate our passion for protecting and preserving Life. Together, arm in arm, we can become a force of Nature on behalf of Nature.