Arborista are one of a number of Arboriculturalists across the UK providing information about to care for trees. You can find out more about this method of working via the Arboricultural Association. Ian from Arborista who is based on the Mendips came along to the Tree Conference and has this to say about how they work:Trees play a vital role in the dynamic balance that represents harmony in nature. That harmony extends into our lives from our countryside & woodlands though our parks & gardens. Trees & their ecosystems contribute to 21st century life; just as they did millennia ago, when they provided the basic resources for life to our ancestors. Our mission is to provide straightforward advice about this complicated subject. The relationship between a tree, the earth in which it is anchored & the habitat it creates is fundamental to our own well-being & spiritual welfare.All is steered through everything” – Herocletes
Our intention is to provide a suite of Arboricultural, Landscape & Environmental services that respond to the challenges of the 21st Century. A strong will to be green, coupled with tougher regulatory controls, has pushed responsible landscape management to the fore with land owners & facilities managers alike.
Arborista brings together a group of highly qualified & experienced people who believe that sustainable management practice can both enhance & develop the environment in which we live & work.
Situated between the Mendip Hills AONB & the Somerset Levels we are constantly reminded of the great natural beauty that surrounds us & the beneficial value of high quality environments.
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