From Diane Beresford-Kroeger’s talk ‘Which trees to plant in Somerset and why’
We have included a list of the tree species that Diana referring to in her talk at the 2017 Tree Conference below:
Native Trees to Somerset, England
1 Quercus petraea, called the Sessile or Duromast Oak
2 Quercus robur, called the common oak or the English Oak & all “named” oaks
3 Fagus sylvatica, called the Common Beech
4 Juglans regia, foreign, the Common Walnut
5 Acer campestre, called the Field Maple
6 Fraxinus excelsior, called the Common Ash
7 Alnus glutinosa, Common Alder
8 Ulmus glabra, called the Wych Elm
9 Crateagus monogyna, caled the Common Hawthorn
10 Taxus baccata, the Common Yew
11 Ilex aquifolium, the Common Holly
12 Pinus sylvatica, the Scots Pine
13 Sorbus aucuparia, the Rowan
14 Tilia cordata, the Small Leafed Lime
15 Carpinus betulus, called the Common Hornbeam
16 Betula pendula, the Common Silver Birch
17 Populus tremula, the Aspen
18 Salix species & salix alba, called the White Willow
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