Grassroots women’s network that has planted 2.8 million tropical trees to date
TreeSisters is s a feminine leadership and tropical reforestation organisation, offering a radical strategic and practical grassroots invitation to help shift the paradigm from humans being a Consumer Species to Restorer Species.
“With nature and women being the givers of life yet only receiving 4% of global giving it is time to reinstate the Feminine back into rightful balance on our planet”
Jenny Smith, Coordinator of the Grove Tenders worldwide
The Tree Conference Network is now working very closely with the TreeSisters to explore supporting their grassroots network of women around education, developing partnerships and global mapping. For more information go to the contact us page.
Treesisters has monthly donating members in countries all over the world. The majority of them women and together they are funding the planting of over 3 million tropical trees every year.
Examples include funding projects with:
~ International Tree Foundation to restore watersheds of Mount Kenya.
~ The Eden Project in Madagascar.
~ Project Green Hands in India.
~ WeForest in Brazil.
TreeSisters also support women to gather in local circles and take action on behalf of life in their communities. They have a variety of astonishing talks an interviews available on their SoundCloud. We would particularly draw you’re attention to the interviews with Joanna Macy, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Atossa Soltani. You can explore more of their online Femiversity resources at www.treesisters.org.
We were joined by their Founder Clare Dubois and Treasurer Wendy Stephenson for the 2017 conference. You can watch the YouTube video of this inspiring interview.
This year we are delighted that Mary Reynolds Thompson will be speaking at the event. Mary has created one of the brilliant online courses through the TreeSisters and her talk at the 2018 conference will be Education, Science and the Voice of Nature through Creativity.
Find out more of their outstanding work at www.treesisters.org. Specific pages we suggest you explore are the TreeSisters strategy!
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